Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Feb 23

Today I went to a banquet for Siskin Hospital, the rehab hospital I spent five weeks at in the spring of 2008. It was really neat to see my therapists again and get to spend some time with them in a much more formal setting. It was incredible to hear other people's stories of healing and God's grace in their lives. There were loads of people there to support the hospital and its mission to help people. It was really neat to see.

I am so thankful for the people in my life that ministered to my family that spring. I don't know that those people will ever know how much they helped us and I know we could never repay them. It's so neat to see God's people rally together around one another when strife and turmoil comes. They truly did carry our burdens for us, and for that my family is so grateful.

Busty week from tomorrow to next Wednesday including- 1. an organic test 2. a vertes lecture test 3. a vertes lab test 4. a Muse concert in Atl.. it's going to be busy, but I'm excited. Kristen and I are going to the Signal Mountain Opry Friday night and I'm real excited about that as well!! Alright i need some sleep..

Until next time, stay classy Siskin Hospital

Sunday, February 21, 2010

A New Week

Another crazy week ahead..

Monday holds a 4 hours drive to Chattanooga, followed by some time with my parents and brother.. followed by some time with Kristen (Lee).. Then Tuesday morning will be a breakfast adventure super early (but it will be worth it) then the Siskin Rehab banquet Tuesday at 11:30.. I'm really excited about seeing people again that were a part of the recovery process..Tuesday holds another 4 hour drive back to Jackson. Friday, there's an organic chemistry test that i suppose i should partake of, so that means Wednesday and Thursday will be mostly studying...

Then Friday night, it's back to Chattanooga.. a hike Saturday morning, then MUSE!!! in Atlanta Saturday night!! So excited about that! me and Corey have floor tickets!!

It was a great weekend here in Jackson with my friends.. and the Yank (Nate Peterson)... we shot off a rocket car that was pretty insane, and Abigail and Kelly made us some amazing dinner Saturday night, can't beat free, homemade food as male college students right? I know me and kevin were very appreciative (if any of those people are reading this...)

Maybe one day i'll stop summarizing my days on this blog and actually right about something worth reading... Maybe try to be a little bit more like my brother.. if you want some interesting reading- follow his blog at:


gonna give a shout out to my Honda Element, where I will spend most of my days this week..

Until next time, stay classy Club Element

Saturday, February 20, 2010


today was pretty exciting in my life.. Today, for the first time in over 2 years now, i ran a one mile run. Granted it was a bit unorthodox, i still completed the lap. I don't think i've ever been so excited to run in my life. It was so cool and reassuring to know that God is still healing my body..

Classes were good this week.. This weekend, unfortunately, is going to hold much studying. I've got to get some stuff read for my classes and such, meanwhile Kristen will be snow skiing in North Carolina with her family.. I'm just a bit jealous i guess..

I'm looking forward to the Siskin Banquet Tuesday afternoon. Dad has got a lot of people coming, so it should be exciting to see people again!

until next time, stay classy, planet earth

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Valentine's Day

hey all..

Today was incredible. Enough said, but here's some more about the day..

got up.. laid around this morning.. at 12 i left to go pick up Kristen (Lee, who is not my sister to those who don't know who she is) and we went hiking. This was my first time to hike since the tornado and it was awesome! We went to Signal Point and it was really fun. I didn't fall once, and Kristen was trying to keep up with me, but it was tough for her.. (okay not really she took it really easy on me, and I appreciate that). I had a great time though, it was so good to be outdoors and to hike again. God has healed me immensely in two years!

Then I took Kristen home and then went home, then at 6 I went to pick her up for dinner. We ended up at McCallister's, which my family things is "unclassy", but everywhere else had way too many people. We had fun so that's all that matters. Then we went to the Hyams' to see their kids and stuff for a while then got ice cream. We came to my house and watched "Australia" with my mom..

Australia was good, but it seemed like it could have ended 3 maybe 4 different times.. They kept complicating the plot every time they solved a problem, it was good though. Then I took Kristen home and that concludes our Valentine's Day celebrations..

I'm not a big fan of this holiday, but we had a great time today!

I'm looking forward to church tomorrow and seeing the couples renew their vowels. It will be neat to see how God has sanctified their marriages for over 25 years. Then tomorrow i'll head back to Jackson for classes on Monday!

great day today, until next time, stay classy Cupid

Thursday, February 11, 2010

What a Show!

We just got back from the John Mayer concert, what an incredible evening! Kevin's mom made us some delicious dinner over at their house, and we had a great time hanging out. Hobbs decided to be the bigger man this time, after missing out on the Coldplay concert in July, and joined us this time. Kristen and her roommates also met up with us so it was awesome!

I didn't really realize John Mayer was such an incredible guitarist. I knew he was good but his talent really surprised me a bit, he was awesome! It was all around an amazing night with some amazing friends.. Now it's time to get some sleep..

Until next time, stay classy Nashville, Tennessee

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

What a Week

This week is turning out to be fantastic. Monday- snow day, no classes. Tuesday- snow day, no classes. Wednesday- John Mayer Concert with friends from two cities. Friday- go home and see my family and Kristen again. Saturday- go for a hike for the first time since the tornado.

All these snow days are really fun. College should be more like this, where you just hang out all the time and never have to go to class. Last night Kevin, Pooh Bear, and I played FIFA until 4 AM, and what a time we had! Pooh Bear successful completed the art of losing every game in one night, including games to Seattle Sounders and LA Galaxy. It was great fun though. Kevin and I spent nearly two hours playing ping pong last night as well, which was a great start at making up for all the time we have missed over the past two years.

So I've had these thoughts to start some type of student led worship service on campus. I told Kevin about it last night, and he says there are lots of people on campus that are wanting to do something like that, but no body has stepped up to initiate. I'm very excited about the opportunity God has laid on my heart to pursue this idea and perhaps get one going! To my readers: be in prayer for this process over the next few weeks.

Looking forward to a great day today, hoping labs get cancelled tonight!

Until next time, stay classy blogger world..

Sunday, February 7, 2010

New to This

Alright.. new to the whole blogging thing, but I'm going to give it a shot.. no guarantees that I'll continue to post, but maybe this semester i can get in the habit of writing on here..

So I have tons of written composition homework to do this week, but the pay off will be a John Mayer concert Wednesday in Nashville. so hopefully it will prove to be worth studying more on sunday and monday..

until later.. stay classy blogger world