Sunday, June 27, 2010

Ball'n Weekend

This weekend was pretty solid.. I went up to Watts Bar Lake with Kristen's family and we had a great time! Riding the jet ski.. Kristen's dad's new boat.. tubing with Kristen.. pulling wake boarders.. attempting to wake board... Kristen crashing miserably off the rope swing, it was a great time!

The past week has been pretty good.. I did some work for dad last week which was pretty good and I'm going to do some more this week..

What about that World Cup? America crashing out yesterday was rather disappointing, but who really expected them to go places anyway? i would have liked to see them win though.. And England were robbed today, what a shocking decision from the refs.. Argentina to win it all? they've looked pretty good so far?? Brazil are impressive as well.. We'll see what happens but i've definitely enjoyed watching the games as much as i can..

Alright well it's off to the lake with Mom and Dad for a sunset cruise..

Until next time, stay classy Watts Bar..

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Summer time?

Summer is here.. finally..

it's been great to be home with the family.. enjoyed a great post season with Corey's soccer team watching them play and eventually they lost in the state championship game, but they played phenomenal... spent a ton of time with the family on the boat and jet ski.. it's been really good so far!

My grades came out great this semester, the fall will be tough but i'm excited about it.. Corey and Josh (Fern) move in to replace K Brad and Pooh Bear (who are both welcome to return for FIFA match whenever they please)... Micah and i are real excited about living with our brothers though.. Micah's off in the Philippines right now hopefully having a good time...

I'm headed to a wedding this week with Kristen up in Knoxville for her roommate Whitney and i'm really excited about it.. it should be fun, so long as she doesn't make me dance too much.. but no it'll be fun and i'm really excited about it..

I found this new place on the lake today, well i've known this island was there i'm going to explore it next weekend with Kristen and i'm excited about that too... I'm going to start shadowing at the hospital again this week also- hopefully get to see some exciting things again this summer..

Tonight dad and Corey and I burned a hornet's nest out of the bushes... we "accidentally" used too much gasoline though, and the whole tree just exploded into flames, it was awesome though and definitely one of the funnier things we've ever done... it was a good time though..

Kristen's family came over for dinner tonight that was really cool it's crazy that our parents had hardly met each other after us dating for so long but it was really fun to spend time with both families..

Time to hang with corey a bit.. Until next time, stay classy hornets...