Thursday, April 8, 2010


Sorry it's been a while.. School has bombarded me lately..

Spring break was really good.. i spent some time at home with my family and then went to Destin for a few days.. great break though.. Now it's back in the saddle for 5 weeks plus finals then summer time!

I'm very ready for this summer.. got tons of weddings to attend, tons of time to be spent with friends on the lake.. it should be a great time

United crashed out of the CL yesterday with a win over Bayern.. Unfortunately it wasn't enough to see us through, but either way Barcelona are going to win the league.. Check out this video of little Messi as a young pup

Not having a facebook has been pretty cool lately- i would challenge readers to try it sometime! Skype is the new facebook chat anyway so everyone should get one of those... find me if you do i'm d_wil2488..

I've an organic test in the AM as well as a research paper, test, and project all next week- but thursday will bring a sigh of relief.. I believe next weekend will be the first lake experience of 2010 and in no way is that depressing!

I'm off to classes and such but i'll try to write more frequently...

Until next time, stay classy Champions League