Tuesday, September 7, 2010

2 Samuel 14:14

"...But God does not take away life, instead, he devises ways so that a banished person may not remain estranged from him."

What an amazing verse found in the Old Testament. I had always thought of the Old Testament for it's stories but this verse truly tells the reason Christ came. God had devised the way before the beginning of time to allow us, banished people, to not remain alienated from Him. This verse totally excited me last night when I read it. I don't really know what else to say about it, it pretty much speaks for itself. God's desire is that we will not remain alienated from Him but that we would return to him and one day live with Him in Heaven. This just really excites me.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Back at the U

Well summer's over and I'm back at school. I must admit that at first it didn't seem like school without the likes of Kevin, Paul, and Justin (sorry if i left you out, whoever you are, i miss you too). At this point, classes are picking up and it definitely feels like school again. 17 hours this semester but the rest of my time at Union should be much more relaxed if i balance it right, so I'm pretty excited about this fall.

I'm pumped about this weekend as I'll get to watch the soccer team play for the first time this season. With my schedule and I don't know that i'll make it to many, if any, away games this year but I'm excited about the home games!

Things on the home front are going well. I think my parents are adjusting to have no (yep, that's zero) kids at home. I know they miss me the most but i'm sure they'll be alright together! I think they have plans of traveling all fall without us so I'm sure they'll miss us even more.

Things with Kristen couldn't be better. She's an amazing woman and everyday I come to like her more and more. I thank God for her tolerance towards me and her willingness to put up with me and date me. She's the bomb.

I've been running again. Yesterday I did 1.6 miles in 20 minutes and today I did the same distance in 21 minutes. My legs didn't hurt too much today after yesterday so I decided to try it again and it went pretty well. I'm sure tomorrow they will hurt a ton but i'm done with classes at 11 am so I'll have some down time tomorrow afternoon/evening for sure.

I'm not sure what this weekend holds yet, but hopefully it'll be a good time! I'll try to post more often than once every two months now that I'm back at school.

Until next year, stay classy summer time
